Long time no see, funny huns

Well hello there, Ganter gang. First off, sorry we haven’t chatted in a while. I feel like I blinked and two months passed without us managing to get any new content up on the site. I’ve thought about Ganter and things that I wanted to write to you guys about every day since the last post - but life has well and truly got in the way.

Do I need to make excuses for it? No. Should I feel as bad about it as I do? Probably not! It’s not like there’s millions of you out there bereft that you haven’t heard from us in a while. But, we want to write for you guys. And we want more of you to write for (and speak to) us. So, this is a note to say - we’re coming back soon. Real soon. And we want to return bigger and better than ever, with even more of you behind us.

That means, we’re on the hunt for word writers, tragic-tale-tellers, and funny huns.

So, if you know any exceptional scribes (or are one yourself) please get in touch with us. We’re after womxn who love womxn. Womxn with hilarious, tragic stories to tell. And womxn who fancy writing about womxn-y things. Maybe you’ve a friend who’s newly single and fancies writing us a column updating our readers on her dating adventures. Maybe you’re in the middle of studying a fascinating woman writer from yonder years, or just watched a film by an amazing director you really want to tell someone about. (Tell us, please! We wanna know!).

If you feel like you have the time to write an article or two a month we want to hear from you. We also want to hear from you if you just fancy giving it a go, speaking to us about what you do, or doing anything else Ganter-related.

So, drop us an email at helloganter@gmail.com

We can’t wait to hear from you. (And we hope you can’t wait to hear more from us.)

Speak soon.

Meg xxxx


Six Months of Funny Business