The origin story

My uni housemates and I were (and still are) a particularly rowdy foursome with inside jokes and sexcapades aplenty. We thought we were hilarious (we are) and would often descend into fits of hysterical laughter, but our male friends routinely seemed to ‘miss the joke’. I asked one of them about it once. His response was something along the lines of: 

“It’s just ganter isn’t it. Things your girls find funny, guys just don’t”.

This concept of ‘ganter’ (girls banter) instantly wound me up. Being funny didn’t, in my opinion, have anything to do with our gender. And the complexities of being funny as woman have played on my mind ever since. Ganter is a hub of funny writing created by, for and about women. But if you’re not one you’re more than welcome here. You never know, our ‘ganter’ may even make you laugh after all.

Meg Jordan xoxo

More info.

Ganter is the brainchild of (writer) Meg Jordan. The platform was created in March 2021 to lift spirits during the Panny D and continue dispelling the longstanding myth that women aren’t funny. Ganter is a collaborative hub of funny writing created by, for and about women. But anyone from any background is welcome here. (As long as you’ve got a sense of humour).

We’re always after more contributors to join the Ganter community, so get in touch if you’d like to collaborate.