F*** Off Fad Diets

As the new year arrives, we all know it’s coming. From January the 1st we brace ourselves for the onslaught of fad fitness products, diet solutions and ‘you-must-get-fit-in-Jan-bcos-you-piled-it-on-in-December’ targeted gym ads. We know it’s a load of old rubbish. But it’s a load of old rubbish that can be extremely damaging to those of us already struggling with body image, eating habits or self worth. But I say, not this year gals!!!!

Come January, it’s natural to want to peel yourself out of your Christmas PJs, off the sofa and back into your overpriced Lululemons. But it’s important we take in the right advice during this challenging time. Advice that’ll help us actually create healthier habits in a realistic timeframe - rather than pretend ‘overnight fixes’ from those trying to make a buck off people’s new yearly quest for self-improvement.

Below I’ve compiled a short list of my favourite fitness influencers, women I’ve followed for years who’ve had a hugely positive influence on my fitness journey. (Fitness journey? Who do I think I am? I literally went to the gym with my top on inside out & back-to-front this morning #gymfluencer). You may know and love them already, but if there was any time to celebrate their greatness, it’s now. I’ve also added a couple of my own unsolicited and highly unqualified personal tips which you may take or ignore as you will. A show of solidarity for those of us trying to get back on it this Jan. (and a good on ya if you’re not).

Three very qualified fitness legends you should follow if you don’t already:

1. Maeve Madden

An Irish workout QUEEN. Her positive vibes and at-home classes for all abilities are a brilliant way to get your body moving. I do at least a couple of them a week and they are instant mood boosters. Her motto #QueensDon’tQuit which Maeve belts out in her delightful Irish lilt throughout her classes really gets you going. She’s as real and genuine as they come and her workouts are all-around good vibes. Maeve’s also just launched a new app which looks great, with live classes and a library of others to try whenever you like with or without equipment and for everyone (whatever experience level you’re at). A great place to get a flavour of what you’re in for is her Instagram page where she generously shares free workouts (they pretty much single handedly got me through the lockdowns so thank YOU Maeve).

2. Dr Hazel Wallace AKA The Food Medic

Former NHS doctor, qualified nutritionist and author of the eye-opening book ‘The Female Factor’ (a bold, comprehensive guide to understanding women's health which shakes up the narrative for women of all ages). Hazel is an expert in women’s health and an inspirational person to follow for all things wellness, fitness and nutrition. If it’s healthier habits that are good for the body and soul you’re after then this is the woman for you.

3. Krissy Cela

Krissy is a hugely popular and successful businesswoman and fitness influencer. She’s built a fitness empire and her story is an inspiring one. Many know her by name, but what some don’t know is that at just 5 years old, Krissy 5 immigrated to the UK as a refugee in a small boat and lorry from Albania. Coming from such difficult and traumatic beginnings to build the successful community she has whilst running two companies is hugely impressive. If you’re after motivation and to really push yourself, Krissy is the woman to go to. For her fitness app/community @evolveyou. For her gym wear brand @oneractive.

Tips from me (a fully unqualified not gymfluencer) to you:

  • Don’t compare yourself to others. It’s easy to be intimidated by gym regulars or runners that overtake you on the road (bastards). But just try to focus on yourself and remember (as queen Kris Jenner would say) you’re doing great sweetie - we’ve all got to start somewhere.

  • Don’t go crazy. We’ve gotta be kind to our cheesed-up, mince-pied bodies and ease them back into things nice ‘n gentle. If you rush into a 5k run, pick up some extremely heavy weights or try and train 7 days straight the first few weeks back it’s only going to go one way. (& our poor NHS staff have got enough on their plates without your hamstring strain)

  • The treadmill is not the only way!! Find ways to move your bod that work for you, it certainly DOES NOT have to be clocking up the miles on the bloody treadmill or cross trainer (my personal nemesis), or in the gym at all! Maeve Madden’s classes are great if you want to avoid the dreaded cardio machines (or other people) altogether.

  • If you can find a women-only gym get on in there. Yes, women have just as much right to occupy any section of a regular gym as men. But, we all know how daunting and off-putting it can be. I found a women-only gym last year and it changed the whole experience for me. It’s much quieter. Far less (seemingly) judgmental. And it’s the first gym I’ve ever felt fully comfortable to just jump on every piece of equipment, try out new exercises, throw my legs in the air like I just don’t care and hip thrust to my heart’s content. Good vibes. For reals. Give it a go.

  • New year, same you. Don’t do it bcos #peerpressure - do it for you and most importantly bcos you want to! Not because some ad. is telling you you must or all your social media channels are filled with ‘new year, new me’ bullshit about resolutions everyone’s soon to give up on. We’ve got to stop this ‘punishing ourselves for what we ate or drank over Chrimbo’ nonsense, and exercise less for the aesthetics and more as a treat for our wonderful bods and to get those endorphins a’flowing because lorrrrrd knows we need them in January.

Helpful or not, I hope you enjoyed our first article of ‘23. To wrap things up, on three let’s all scream ‘FUCK DIET CULTURE!!!’.

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Extra special agent, Jerri Williams