The Temple Tantrum

RAT ON A MAT, final .gif

Enjoying a great holiday with friend in Thailand land of temples and buddhas, we decided we would visit and inspect in closer detail these temples and buddhas. So, before leaving I made sure I had all I needed - meaning money, phone, sun-hat, sun-cream and sun-glasses.

Having enjoyed the trip, I realised after leaving the area I did not have my glasses. Knowing for certain that they were previously in my possession, I could only assume I had left them in some part of the vast (underline vast) area I had just left.

My long suffering friend accompanied me back where we proceeded to retrace our many (underline) many steps.

Canteen staff were enlisted to aid in the search, gate staff also, and many visitors rallied to the cause and offered their assistance. Tables were turned, bags were searched, corners were swept, and general disruption caused. Eventually, we had to admit defeat - my very expensive glasses were gone.

On the way back, we plodded exhaustingly to the nearest bar to take comfort from a nice relaxing drink. I plonked my tired and depressed body down, ordered my drink, took my bag off my shoulder and my hat off my head…

Lo and behold, there were the lost sun-glasses sitting on top of my stupid head.

Feeling distinctly ridiculous and immensely embarrassed at commandeering all in sundry (and exhibiting extreme distress at my loss) we decided to skedaddle as fast as we could from the area, though we were both in hysterics at the utter stupidity of it all.


The Shoe Buyer Survivor Story


A rat, sat on the mat